At Elaborados Naturales, we want to offer to the end consumer a wide range of food products with the highest quality. This is achieved thanks to the effort, commitment, and honesty in the daily work of all and each employee who are part of the company.
We acknowledge that we are all the company and if only we share a vision and common values, we will be able to achieve our goals. The policy of human resources at Elaborados Naturales is based on values leadership, values which impregnate our culture and mark our way of acting.

Both on a personal and collective level. We chase excellence in everything we do. To elaborate a premium product, we must strive ourselves as much as possible with all the actions we carry on.

As per our implication and commitment with our customers, we are also committed with the people and involved in their professional development. For such reason, we promote stable employment, direct commitment, coaching plans, and internal promotion.

We are conscious that goals achievement is not only based on the result which is important but also on the resources used to reach it. For this, we always work to optimize processes and the effective use of the resources.

With ourselves and all the people we deal with, suppliers, company staff, corporations, etc.….
We always think to win in all the relations we establish, and the best way to reach it is by satisfying all the acquired commitments based on our acknowledge of what we are capable to do and achieve it.

Without giving up our values, and be part of them, flexibility is an essential part of our culture. In an environment which is in a permanent evolution, only the one able to adapt himself will survive.

Not only with the people of our department but also with all the members of our company. All the people who are part of the company have goals, clearly defined and all of us work according to an established direction because private or departmental interests never prevail over company interests.

We are committed to equal opportunities between women and men, which is why we have launched an Equality Plan, applicable to all our centres, which guarantees this. Its objective is to promote a work environment where all people enjoy the same opportunities. For this reason, we promote measures to achieve effective equality and contribute to the elimination of any discrimination, especially those directly or indirectly caused by reason of sex.
Elaborados Naturales de La Ribera del Ebro, S.L.
Polígono Industrial Bodega Romana, s/n. 31360, Funes (Navarra)
Elaborados Naturales de La Ribera del Ebro, S.L.
Polígono Industrial Bodega Romana, s/n. 31360, Funes (Navarra) (SPAIN)